Thursday, October 27, 2011

Army Brothers

November 7 2004 i joined the military went to basic were to start in basic lmao well i was assigned to Delta company 1/329 INF there i meet my first army friend Donald E. Valentine III battle buddy. Me and Donald would keep each other alive and going for the next 13 weeks of gayness. If it was sitting on CQ bitching on how stupid the army was or keep each other going on road marches he always had some smart ass remark that kept me going he never failed to keep a smile on my face. Basic finally ended and we both parted ways Donald was KIA In 2007 He was a very good friend and battle buddy and forever will be in my heart/mind. They sent me off to good ole Fort Campbell after basic were i would meet the Band Of Brothers 2/327 INF No Fucking Slack Now to those of you that don't understand the 101st is not just regular old soldiers it really is Band of Brothers.Well i was put in Third platoon "Renegades"  the best platoon out there ran By none other then SFC Rashon Fucking Hill You Nasty Joker LMFAO. I got in my barracks room at like 9 at night there was some other joker in my room by the name of Corporal Bahruth he was the Nice roommate throwing me a fat chick and a gay guy to my side of the room that night thanks ranger lol.  I was thrown into the loins den quick i remember getting into trouble for something i didn't do and getting my ass smoked for 4 hours and later them finding out it was someone else and having mad respect after that. Or running SFC Hills pace At fucking Mock 12 lol. I made alot of friends/brothers after awhile one of them being a goofy looking bastard by the name of Jeffery Hanna love ya bro or David Heinlein who looked like kip from napoleon dynamite or Joshua Trudell who always had a dip and beer in his hand all the friends brothers are at the top of this page each one person on the list has its own story in it self. we did alot of training and alot of partying, like some of you know its a party when you get dragged down the road in a nice car by an E-6 thanks Sammy lol good times, or running around the barracks with shaving cream thongs, shit some of our party's were platoon level that's how close we were, there were alot of things to get us combat ready for Iraq. After alot of sweat beer and cigs later It finally came time for the good ole boys from Renegade platoon to deploy sand box.... to be continued

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


OK so first of all i hate punctuation i hardly use it you don't like it don't fucking read it. second i swear get over it yet again you don't like it don't fucking read it. So hear we go as some of you know im medically retired from the army i fucking hate it i would love to have a job right now yet alot of people including some family says oh hes just a lazy ass he can work, look if you don't know my whole story then shut your fucking mouth about face and drive on. i would love to work so it could get me away from sitting home on my ass and going completely more insane then i already am. Oh and FYI if you say you wish you were retired i give you a fucking week before you wanna go back to work. So your probably asking yourself what the fuck does this have to do with death it has everything to do with it. I was sitting on my couch the other day thinking about the sand box(Iraq) and how i was full of fear but fearless at the same time. How when i was on the gun i new the four people underneath me would die for me and i the same. Those who have been know what im talking about. I feel like Ive turned into a complete bitch im scared everyday of dieing, but when i was in Iraq i made my peace an here's kevee afraid to go do shit that regular people enjoy because for example having a heart attack at the age of 26 or swallowing pesticide on accident from the dog and foaming from the mouth.i guess my problem is i worry about to much shit and im not living life like i should. Sometimes i feel like i should be sky diving in the Caribbean or grab in the bull by the horns. but wait there could be other reasons like i have to see two fucking shrinks that say how are you feeling today here is some more pills fuck off im done with the pills or maybe its people telling me how to live my life instead of me enjoying it. and if your thinking im talking about ya that probably gives you a clue to stop let me live my life. Oh and please i don't want you to feel sorry or feel pity for me that's the last thing i want, i just would love people to understand the simple things in life like i would love to bitch that my day at work sucked ass or the bitch in the other cubical smells like rotted ass. But that is my bitch session of the day